Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Going dark

Dark mode helps remove eye-strain.
  1. Black Contrast — high contrast setting for Windows.
  2. --force-dark-mode for chrome to remove white address bar.
  3. Dark Reader chrome plugin (doesn't invert images, dark and light modes).
  4. Reluminate chrome plugin to selectively invert images.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Set git ssh auth on linux

Trivial story, but... Sometimes simple things are made very difficult.

Say your user is john. Put to /home/john/.ssh/github (c:\Users\john\.ssh\github\ or %USERPROFILE%\.ssh\github\ on windows) your private ssh key, set access mode read/write to just your user (chmod or, say, in Double Commander). You generate this key file through, say, PuttyGen. Then, in /home/scd/.ssh (ssh_config in c:\Program Files\Git\etc\ssh\ on windows) create a ssh_config text file and put there:

Host github.com
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github/private-ssh

On windows: add AddKeysToAgent yes to the beginning, change ~/ to the value of %USERPROFILE%/. On Windows, this referenced key file needs to be converted to OpenSSH format.
