Monday 4 November 2013

Unix terminal font for Visual Studio

For me, default fonts for Visual Studio have always been looking too thin.

1. Courier New, 11

2. Consolas, 10

3. Anonymous Pro, 12 (my favorite one with ClearType)

But I think I've found the solution – Text Sharp + Classic Console 15 pt:

Just do this:

And here you go with crisp, thick, compact and classic Unix-terminal font in the most modern environments. And, yes, it has Cyrillic chars inside. It gives you precisely the same look and feel as in Linux terminal:

Also you can choose Fixedsys Excelior, 12

But it's not so Unix-style, more of Windows-style. Looks heavier than Classic Console, but actually has the same height. Though, details of Classic Console are much nicer to me, they bring me back to the mellow days of coding in 80x25 QuickBasic 4.5 at my 12 :)

P.S. Kind regards for SZÉLL Csaba, the author of Classic Console. He has kindly fixed some minor problems with his font that I had noticed, and now it's good not only for cmd window, but for VS also.

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